Saturday, December 22, 2012

no sense.

 Recently I have been dreaming dreams of my potential, and what God has in store for me in my future. Its unsure to me; which feels as though my body has been ingested and spat out – a half digested, unrecognizable mound of matter. I dislike the unknown, as I dislike the quickly changing weather. I now feel as though I must walk through life blindly, with arms flailing frantically in front of me.
 Life doesn't make much sense recently.
The perspiration on the glass
leaves solitary trails.
My eyes will chase each to the last,
while biting nervous nails.
 Into confusion I am hurled,
wind sings a lonesome hymn.
I'm drowning in this frozen world,
I don't know how to swim.

Time is small and fits in my palm,
all tin gears and lost rod.
It ticks inside me like a bomb,
the end an act of God.

At times the past comes back for me,
I try to fight alone,
Instead I give it bitter tea,
and ask it in my home.
