Friday, June 4, 2010

In wells of silence; loneliness

I love to be loved.
I have always spoken so harshly against those women who migrated toward men -- convinced that they would find happiness, where there was none -- only for the sake of finding someone to cherish them, and treat them with the adoration they so craved.
But now I understand.
Loneliness is the cause for these carelessly handled hearts.
Because I can love,
and love,
and love,
and love,
but never be loved in return..
One day, I may decide to remove my rose tinted glasses, and wake up to discover a life that has been wasted on people who are so self absorbed as to be blind to all the joy that the world so blesses them with daily. Creating darkness where there is nothing but goodness here.
Loneliness is an interesting emotion to feel. You can be vacuum packed into a room filled to bursting with people, or you could be standing alone on a mountaintop in the rain. It is all the same. For people will walk quickly in and out of your life. Like a bad movie premiere. Their faces line the hallways of your memory, like artwork in a gallery. You can be very much alone, where you are not alone at all.
I see now why women need this attention. For what is life, really, without someone to love you?

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