Monday, July 12, 2010

praying for a change of heart, and looking for a sign

When I dream, I dream in bright, brilliant colors.

And sometimes, I will wake without having any recollection of the dream, but having this unambiguous impression as to what it consisted of. I lie in bed and play it over, and over in my mind; not wanting to forget the events of the goings on of my imagination. But, I always do.

Dreams are funny things. They can tell you many facts that you didn't even realize you knew, they can bring about many sensations -- albeit be falling, or dying; flying or laughing -- to cause an actual physical reaction.

When I dream, I dream in bright, brilliant colors. And when I dream, I dream of you.


  1. Mmm I love dreams too. I always wish dreaming was optional and that I could just dream all day long.

  2. You're unique. I wonder where you are now? x
